Saturday, 22 September 2012

Evendons East Parish Councillor Election 2012

If you live the centre of Wokingham but despair at the relentless infill development and its affect on our school places, water, roads, drainage and flooding. Or perhaps you feel that you home is becoming too urban, then please research before you vote in the Evendons East Parish Councillor Election. And do vote.

Click here to see why I switched.

Many people vote for the party rather than the councillor? And those who do... vote. But a councillor has no influence over national policy.

A councillor is supposed to be your voice in council. They do not have voting rights on planning applications. That is reserved for 9 councillors selected by the leader of the leading party to be on the planning committee.

Your parish councillor will have three minutes at the beginning of some meetings to raise your concerns.

The planned Wokingham Regeneration is for a large food store, multistory underground car park, courtyard plaza and some face lifts and includes 160 dwellings. Yet more cramming on our community resources at a time where some siblings are going to different schools.The contract is for £100m and has been made using a sub-company which allows the contract o avoid public scrutiny. We are not being allowed to know what we are spending on what. Why?

You have two men standing to be your Evendons East Parish Councillor.  

I asked them both three questions.

John Bray
Are you unreservedly in favour of the #wokingham regenration proposal?
No. Although I am very much in favour of a regeneration of Wokingham Town Centre I believe that too much recreational space is being sacrificed with the current scheme.
If not, what would you like to change?
Less of Elms Fields being built on, ideally Elms Fileds being untouched.
Not so much money being borrowed by the council. Could the businesses who will prosper by this regeneration not be coerced into coughing up more sponsorship?

 Was there a sufficient consultation?
Absolutely not! Presentation after the decision has been made is not consultation!
The Town Centre Forum is not truly representative and the Council has not consulted widely with the electorate before embarking on this scheme. 

Mark Ashwell
Are you unreservedly in favour of the #wokingham regenration proposal? 
If not, what would you like to change? 
Plenty to hone as an active member of the Town Centre Regeneration Forum
Was there a sufficient consultation? 

Please do vote, spread the word and GET ACTIVE.

A councillor can not fix this secrecy over large public borrowing alone. 

In local government a petition with1500 signatures must be taken seriously and there are perhaps 6000 of us who are local enough to care. This means we have to be proactive.

If your are a resident of the Wokingham Borough and feel that the entire consultation and contract process should start again then please use this link to sign the petition and share.

If you feel that the Wokingham borough council owned companies should have the same level of transparency when spending your money as if the contract was with the council itself then please sign this petition and share.


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