Tuesday, 11 March 2014

If establishment breach civil rights to suppress democracy, do good brave people have any choice but civil disobedience?

From Wokingham Times http://www.getreading.co.uk/news/local-news/election-hopefuls-condemn-plan-put-6799721

Copy and pasted should they ever take it down since it evidences of the most heinous and transparent attempts of the entrenched establishment to undermine the democratic process. Quite possibly illegally.


Election hopefuls condemn plan to put restraint on canvassing in Woodley
Candidates can only meet the public in Woodley after the countdown to May's borough elections begins, after new rules were set by town centre bosses

A restraint limiting political and religious groups’ presence in Woodley precinct has sparked a hostile reaction from election hopefuls.

Political parties can only meet the public once in the countdown to May’s borough elections, under a new restriction set by Woodley’s Town Centre Management Initiative (TCMI).

The regulation is being challenged by indignant councillors and campaigners who argue the rule can’t be imposed on the public space and threatens important political and religious freedom.
Conservative councillors have applied to canvass in the town centre the Saturday before spring’s election, a move which could deny Liberal Democrat and Labour rivals appearing in the precinct on the key weekend.

Beth Rowland, leader of the Liberal Democrat group in Woodley said: “The democratic process is poor enough anyway without banning people from being able to engage with the public.

“We have a right to free speech and they are trying to stop people speaking.

“Political and religious freedoms are two freedoms we should defend.”

Under the rule, political parties can engage with the public in the town centre one Saturday prior to an election, with slots filled on a first come first served basis.

Religious groups can promote themselves one day per year at a cost of £20.

Conservative town council leader Councillor Keith Baker is not outraged by the ruling and has written to the town centre manager requesting his party has the option of appearing in the precinct on the Saturday before May’s election.

Cllr Baker said: “I wouldn’t have a problem with there being a blanket ban on political parties [in the precinct]. People should be able to go about their business without being pestered by politicians. I would go with whatever is decided.”

Nicky Jerome, Labour’s borough council candidate for Bulmershe and Whitegates, said: “I think it is hugely important that political parties are able to campaign freely to give the electorate a fair choice.
“In the past, Woodley Labour Party have had stalls in Woodley precinct, such as when we ran a successful petition to secure the promise of new toilets in the precinct, gathering around 1,600 signatures.

“It seems unfair the Conservatives have been able to book the precinct on the last Saturday in the run up to the local elections on May 22 before we even knew about the decision.

“I feel at such an important time, people should be given the chance to hear a variety of points of view as they consider how they want to vote.”

Town centre manager Jacques Lherbier declined to comment on the issue as TCMI’s committee is preparing to answer comments submitted in light of the ruling.


Saturday 17th May. Lets all go and ask them who the hell they think they are. Then have a coffee and an apple danish.


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