Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Public Wokingham Regeneration £100m Contract with Wilson Bowden Developments still secret. Sorry. Still trying.

Yesterday I submitted a complaint to the ICO about Wokingham Borough Council refusing to share public interest information on the terms of the £100m contract between the now dormant Wokingham Enterprises Ltd and Wilson Bowden Developments.

The process of trying to get details of the contract via the Freedom of Information Act started on 1st of August.

Full rejection, not even limited information as required, August 18th

Appeal started that same day.

A 26th of October date was given by Corporate Counsel and Deputy Monitoring Officer for update. They accepted that I have the right to a version with commercially sensitive information stripped out.

Deadline was missed. No communication offered.

October 31st I said that I would hold out on a compliant to the ICO if I could expect the info soon and and I was given a new update day of Friday 2nd. Deadline missed. Message sent to ICO on Sunday night.

So. It's now down to the ICO. It is a first time for me. Very interested to see what 'Freedom of Information' means when public contract valued at £100m is able to be withheld.


I'm not sure if this is the result of the disputes team or ICO but I received redracted contract on 09 Nov 2012. Link below.


1 comment:

  1. We're doing the same in Macclesfield. Same developers. Information Commissioner has ordered Cheshire East council to make full disclosure. Council has set planning meeting for day after deadline. For more info see wakeupmacc.org.uk
